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Hey Everyone!
I am back from my trip and I have some news to tell you.
The Club Penguin Team said that the Festival of Flight will continue until August 20!
The new pin is a Sand Castle and it s located in the Cave.
There is a Balloon Ride for members at the Forest. It takes you up to a secret room and you get to pick up a free Jet Pack.
Don't forget to pick up your Green Propeller Cap at the Plaza!!
Aunt Arctic published her 200 Penguin Times issue last week!!
August 21 to September 17 - New Better Igloos Catalog
August 21 to September 10 - Underwater Adventure at the Stage
Enjoy the Party!
Until Next Time,
Waddle On!
Hey Penguins!
I have some important news for all of you. I am going on a trip to the Poconos on Sunday, August 9 till Thursday, August 13. So if you are wondering why I won't be posting for 5 days, that is because I am in the Poconos. Today I am going to try to get a lot of news out for you because I am leaving tomorrow.
The winning item that will be featured in the September Better Igloos is the ..... Green Puffle Beanbag Chair!!
On August 21 to September 10, there will be an Underwater Adventure! For more information, look in the new Penguin Times.
The Sailboat Pin is hidden in the Coffee Shop just in case you didn't get it yet!
It is hidden until August 13!
Yesterday the new Penguin Style catalog came out and there is really cool things in it like the Aqua Blue penguin color, The Splatter T-Shirt, and Flight Gear!! Make sure to check those out!
Just in case you don't know, there will be a new party starting August 14. What do you think it is going to be about?
There is new igloo music for all of the members. Make sure to check that out too!
Make sure to let us know what you think!!
Until Next Time,
Waddle On!
Hey Everyone!Sadly, the Music Jam and the Color Vote have both ended, but on the bright side, the Color Vote results come out on August 7. The new Sailboat pin is located at the Coffee Shop until August 13.Also, on August 7, there is going to be a new Clothing Catalog.August 14 to August 17, Gary is going to attempt to replace the glass in the Underground Pool.He will reveal his plans when the next Club Penguin Times comes out.The Club Penguin team abbreviated some Club Penguin names. For example, 'Penguin88935393' the team changed that to 'P8895393' so more penguins could join the island.The new igloo music came out so all the members can check that out.Happy77 talked about tunes with Screenhog.They had a short interview.Q: We checked out the sheet music - Where can penguins find that song in Club Penguin?A: You can hear it on the homepage when you click the Tour Guide and start the movie.
Q: The team is doing some work at the Lighthouse stage so that (just like during the Music Jam) we'll be able to hear certain instruments when we play there. What do you think?
A: I'm glad. However, I personally like seeing the songs that penguins play and sing all over Club Penguin even more.
Q: Do you play any instruments? Got any quick tips to share with other musically inclined penguins?A: Yep, I can play a few - the alto saxophone, a few percussion instruments, but my all-time favorite is the piano. To any of you who play real instruments, keep it up! Find a song and see if you can learn how to play it, or even try and compose your own music. All of Club Penguin's music is made by someone, and maybe someday that someone could be you!Waddle On!