Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hi everyone. The new newspaper came out today and this is what it includes:

August 8- Rockhopper's Arrival, Team Blue's Rally 2, AND SCAVENGER HUNT!!!
August 15- New Igloo Upgrades and New Sports Catalog.
August 22-26- Penguin Games Sporting Event.

Don't miss anything!!!


Aqua Grabber Level One: Clam Waters Collect all of the pearls in the little clams first, just like how it used to be. The end is the harder part. Go to the right for air, then pick up the black pearl shaped rock. Go to the left and drop it in the large clam's mouth. Then, pick up the pearl and bring it to the surface. Aqua Grabber Level Two: Soda Seas There are barrels of soda behind plants. Leave them for later and obtain the ones that are out in the open first. Then if you get three barrels, the plants will slowly open and let you through. After you're finished all of the barrels, go to the farthest opening to the left and get some air and smash into the top left and a worm will come down. Get the worm, feed it to the yellow fish and then feed it to Mullet. Then go to the bottom and cross the little puffer fish DIAGONALLY. Then, move on to the bigger ones and go in a clockwise motion until you reach the bottom. Grab the amethyst and get to the top! CONGRATS!

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