Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Hello Penguins!

The new mission came out today and we're really excited about telling you!! It is the ninth mission. . . . so check the mission category of this blog and check out the cheats for the earlier missions. The cheats are coming soon so stay tuned!

In most of the previous missions, a problem has happened in Club Penguin, and the assignment is to figure out how to solve it. This time, agents get to truly be spies. I don't want to give too much away, but for part of this mission, members of the PSA will need to do some spy work and get a set of binoculars. During creation, the team had to ask what spy binoculars should look like. Here are some of the ideas:

I guess it just goes to show you how some of the tiniest things in Club Penguin still have a lot of effort put into them. Let us know what you like about the mission and give us any suggestions you have for future ones.

In other news, the fall fair ended. I hope everyone got the prizes! If you didn't don't feel sad because they will be back next year.

Until Next Time,
Waddle On!

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