Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Segment: Friends Banned For Weird Reasons

This is ClubPenguinGirly here and I'm adding a new segment to my blog. It's called "Friends Banned For Weird Reasons". My friends have been emailing me over the years saying that their penguins were banned for odd and unusual reasons. So, I finally decided to add this segment! Here is my good friend, Skittles 957. He was banned for saying "I'm so gangster I eat cereal without the milk." He said as soon as he hit the enter key, he was banned. Too bad, but he sent me his screen shot:

My other friend, Skittles456 was banned for dancing and singing to the Gummy Bear Song. As soon as he finished the song, he was banned. Here it is:

Finally, Popinpyesssa was banned for saying "you are mean". She was automatically banned like two minutes afterwards. Unfortunately, she does not have a screenshot. Although her ban expired in six hours.

Until Next Time, Waddle On! (AND DON'T GET BANNED!)

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Shortcut to Club Penguin

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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