Thursday, July 17, 2008

New Stuff Tomorrow!

So it's been two days since Club Penguin has released its new features, and since then, the website has been overloaded with penguins trying them out. It was a success!

Tomorrow, the new pin will be hidden, the new igloo music will be released (to play music in your igloo, you must own a jukebox or a stereo system), and a new musical furniture catalog will be released, inspired by the music jam that will be taking place next week.

Guess what else? I made my first music video and while singing at the ice rink, the green puffle ended up in my shot! I'll post it as soon as possible and it just goes to show you that I can work miracles *wink wink*

There was also an article in the Penguin Times that came out today about the Keeper, or escaping green puffle that dances in the nightclub. The new game is about the green puffle; I'm almost 100% sure.

With the new features, there was also disappointment. You can't nub anymore. That's sad. Anyway, Waddle On

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Shortcut to Club Penguin

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

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