Sunday, November 2, 2008

Aqua Grabber Cheats!

I am going to give you Aqua Grabber Cheats!

First collect all of the pearls.
Now go down to the bottom into the little cave.
Collect the big rock to your right.
Go to your left and you should hear a snoring sound.
Keep going to your left. (WITH THE ROCK!)
You shall see a big clam!
Wait until it opens it's mouth.
Quickly put the rock into it's mouth and take out the pearl.
This rock will be in place of the pearl.
Take the pearl all of the way up to the big net where you started.
You will get a lot of coins.
Notice: These aren't cheats for the cream soda version!
It is for Clam Waters!

I hope you get a lot of coins!

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